Birth date 15/12/1985
Category Man
Country Austria
Discipline Sporting & Compak Sporting


Christoph Gruber is an Austrian shooter who has won an impressive number of medals in Compak and Sporting at various national championships. 

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Gold Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Silver Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Silver Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Silver Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Silver Medal

at  the Austrian Sporting Championship

Silver Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Silver Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

8th Junior

at the World Compak Sporting Championship

Gold Medal Junior

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship

Gold Medal Junior

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Gold Medal Junior

at the Austrian Sporting Grand Prix

Gold Medal Junior

at the Austrian Sporting Championship

Silver Medal junior

at the European Sporting Championship

Bronze Medal Junior

at the European Compak Sporting Championship

9th Junior

at the European Sporting Championship

Gold Medal Junior

at the Austrian Compak Sporting Championship